Chemische Wetenschappen
Exact en Informatica
Dit is een Engelstalig masterprogramma.
In chemistry, we make and discover things nobody's made or discovered before. We use our skills to manage cool reactions to seek answers to today's great challenges in sustainability, nanomaterials, and molecular life sciences. Both in education and in research, we are driven to understand and advance the molecular processes behind sustainable materials or new drugging strategies.
The Departement of Chemistry offers personal and laboratory-driven teaching in two interdisciplinary Master's programmes:
Nanomaterials Science: a two-year multidisciplinary Master's programme where you will explore how to make nanomaterials to find solutions for the transition to a sustainable society. It offers students a solid theoretical basis in the field of nanomaterials and develops the experimental skills needed to carry out high-level research. The combined talents and expertise of physics and chemists are very important for success in the science of condensed matter and nanomaterials, the focus of this program.
Sustainable and Circular Chemistry: a two- year multidisciplinary Master's programme where the core theme is an integrated combination of chemical reactions and processes that does no longer rely on fossil feedstocks, involves clean and resource-efficient production processes that yield materials that are safe and circular by design.
In chemistry, we make and discover things nobody's made or discovered before. We use our skills to manage cool reactions to seek answers to today's great challenges in sustainability, nanomaterials, and molecular life sciences. Both in education and in research, we are driven to understand and advance the molecular processes behind sustainable materials or new drugging strategies.
The Departement of Chemistry offers personal and laboratory-driven teaching in two interdisciplinary Master's programmes:
Nanomaterials Science: a two-year multidisciplinary Master's programme where you will explore how to make nanomaterials to find solutions for the transition to a sustainable society. It offers students a solid theoretical basis in the field of nanomaterials and develops the experimental skills needed to carry out high-level research. The combined talents and expertise of physics and chemists are very important for success in the science of condensed matter and nanomaterials, the focus of this program.
Sustainable and Circular Chemistry: a two- year multidisciplinary Master's programme where the core theme is an integrated combination of chemical reactions and processes that does no longer rely on fossil feedstocks, involves clean and resource-efficient production processes that yield materials that are safe and circular by design.
Hoe wordt deze opleiding beoordeeld?
Hoe tevreden waren studenten in 2024 over aspecten van deze opleiding?
Deze opleiding
Chemische Wetenschappen
Landelijke gemiddelde | Verschil | |
Het gemiddelde tevredenheidsoordeel (schaal van 1-10) van studenten over de sfeer op de opleiding.
8.2 | 8.2 | 0 |
Het gemiddelde tevredenheidsoordeel (schaal van 1-10) van studenten over de inhoud van de opleiding, denk bijv. aan het niveau van je opleiding, de aansluiting op je vooropleiding en de kwaliteit van het studiemateriaal.
8.1 | 8.1 | 0 |
Deze opleiding
Chemische Wetenschappen
Landelijke gemiddelde | Verschil | |
Het gemiddelde tevredenheidsoordeel (schaal van 1-10) van studenten over docenten, denk bijv. aan de deskundigheid van docenten en de bereikbaarheid en betrokkenheid van docenten.
8 | 8 | 0 |
Het gemiddelde tevredenheidsoordeel (schaal van 1-10) van studenten over de kwaliteit van de studiebegeleiding door de opleiding, denk bijv. aan de mogelijkheid tot en kwaliteit van begeleiding en de mate waarin de opleiding initiatief neemt in begeleiding.
8.1 | 8.1 | 0 |
Het gemiddelde tevredenheidsoordeel (schaal van 1-10) van studenten over de studiefaciliteiten, denk bijv. aan de computerruimtes, de bibliotheek en de ICT-faciliteiten.
8.2 | 8.2 | 0 |
Het gemiddelde tevredenheidsoordeel (schaal van 1-10) van studenten bijvoorbeeld de aansluiting van toetsing en beoordeling bij de inhoud van de opleiding, de kwaliteit van de toetsing op vaardigheden en de bruikbaarheid van feedback.
Toetsing en beoordeling
7.8 | 7.8 | 0 |
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Master's Online Open Day
Tijd: 16:00 - 18:30 uur
Heidelberglaan 8
3584 CS Utrecht
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Master's Online Open Day
Tijd: 16:00 - 18:30
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