Energy Science
Aarde en Milieu
Sustainable production, treatment and use of energy and materials, including renewable energy and future energy technologies are at the core of this programme.
This two-year Master's programme in Energy Science at Utrecht University offers an interdisciplinary approach to tackle challenges including mitigating climate change, securing our long-term energy supply, and providing access to sustainable energy for everyone.
Energy collection, conversion, transport, storage, distribution, and end-use application are all steps in providing energy services to society. All these elements form an energy system, which is complex and interacts with other systems in a multitude of ways. Transitions in energy systems and the merits of innovation for the individual components of each can only be analysed in the context of the complete system. This is why we place energy systems analysis at the very center of our Energy Science programme.
Analyzing energy systems requires a thorough knowledge of the fundamental scientific and technological principles of the discipline. This knowledge enables us to understand how the characteristics of individual technologies can influence their performance, as well as the impact of market and policy contexts on energy systems. Both economics and policy studies are covered in the programme.
This two-year Master's programme in Energy Science at Utrecht University offers an interdisciplinary approach to tackle challenges including mitigating climate change, securing our long-term energy supply, and providing access to sustainable energy for everyone.
Energy collection, conversion, transport, storage, distribution, and end-use application are all steps in providing energy services to society. All these elements form an energy system, which is complex and interacts with other systems in a multitude of ways. Transitions in energy systems and the merits of innovation for the individual components of each can only be analysed in the context of the complete system. This is why we place energy systems analysis at the very center of our Energy Science programme.
Analyzing energy systems requires a thorough knowledge of the fundamental scientific and technological principles of the discipline. This knowledge enables us to understand how the characteristics of individual technologies can influence their performance, as well as the impact of market and policy contexts on energy systems. Both economics and policy studies are covered in the programme.
Hoe wordt deze opleiding beoordeeld?
Hoe tevreden waren studenten in 2024 over aspecten van deze opleiding?
Deze opleiding
Energy Science
Landelijke gemiddelde | Verschil | |
Het gemiddelde tevredenheidsoordeel (schaal van 1-10) van studenten over de sfeer op de opleiding.
8.9 | 8.9 | 0 |
Het gemiddelde tevredenheidsoordeel (schaal van 1-10) van studenten over de inhoud van de opleiding, denk bijv. aan het niveau van je opleiding, de aansluiting op je vooropleiding en de kwaliteit van het studiemateriaal.
8.4 | 8.4 | 0 |
Deze opleiding
Energy Science
Landelijke gemiddelde | Verschil | |
Het gemiddelde tevredenheidsoordeel (schaal van 1-10) van studenten over docenten, denk bijv. aan de deskundigheid van docenten en de bereikbaarheid en betrokkenheid van docenten.
8 | 8 | 0 |
Het gemiddelde tevredenheidsoordeel (schaal van 1-10) van studenten over de kwaliteit van de studiebegeleiding door de opleiding, denk bijv. aan de mogelijkheid tot en kwaliteit van begeleiding en de mate waarin de opleiding initiatief neemt in begeleiding.
7.2 | 7.2 | 0 |
Het gemiddelde tevredenheidsoordeel (schaal van 1-10) van studenten over de studiefaciliteiten, denk bijv. aan de computerruimtes, de bibliotheek en de ICT-faciliteiten.
7.8 | 7.8 | 0 |
Het gemiddelde tevredenheidsoordeel (schaal van 1-10) van studenten bijvoorbeeld de aansluiting van toetsing en beoordeling bij de inhoud van de opleiding, de kwaliteit van de toetsing op vaardigheden en de bruikbaarheid van feedback.
Toetsing en beoordeling
7.7 | 7.7 | 0 |
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