Global Urban Transformations


How do global transformations resulting from extreme weather events, increased diversity in cities and infrastructural problems affect everyday places? What are the opportunities, assets, conflicts, contestations, and dilemmas that arise during these processes? And how do they reshape the local, expanding urban spaces where people live, study and work? During the research Master's programme Global Urban Transformations your aim is to find the answers and contribute to a more sustainable world. 

During the two-year programma you will therefore, analyse transformations taking place in cities all over the world, using multiple social-scientific theories and methods based on a geographical and spatial planning perspective. By identifying the complexities of developing, planning and governing cities in the context of global transformations, you will master a multiscalar approach to understand how global forces intersect with local conditions, as well as how they create opportunities and barriers for cities therein. Find out more about the programma by visiting our website. 

Heidelberglaan 8
3584 CS Utrecht