Sustainable Business and Innovation


Businesses increasingly face significant challenges and opportunities form environmental issues such as climate change, energy, and water and social issues such as labour and human rights, corruption, and transparancy. During the two-year Sustainable Businnes and Innovation Master's programme, you will learn about these sustainability challenges and about the (technological) solutions that businesses can use to work in a more enviromentally and socially friendly manner.

Business stakeholders - such as governments, shareholders, business customers, local communities, consumers, employees, and NGO's - are increasingly demanding that companies become more focused on sustainability for themselves and the communities they impact. The Sustainable Business and innovation programme offers you a challenging multidisciplinary setting in which to become a sustainability change agent. As a sustainability change agent, you will understand how to help business and organisations in their journey toward making societies more sustainable. Understanding the main sustainability problems and challenges faced by modern societies requires an integrated knowledge of both natural and social sciences. Therefore, the Sustainable Business and innovation programme consists of a combination of natural and social science courses. You will be introduced to the full range topics necessary to succesfully work with sustainability issues in a variety of contexts. 

During your studies, you will learn about topics such as sustainable development, sustainability innovations, life cycle assessment, ecoefficiency and cleaner production, enviromental management systems, sustainability reporting, organisational change, and management for sustainability. Find out more by visiting our website.  

Heidelberglaan 8
3584 CS Utrecht